Financial solutions home page

  1. Log into your account or if you are a new user, register your account and enable two factor authentication.
  2. Click on the [Credit-default-swap index transactions] button, this will take you to the Dynamic-text-blocks parameters page.

Dynamic text-blocks parameters page

  1. Select to enter flat or time-varying risk-free yield curve at indicated times.
  2. Enter number of outstanding spread payment times.
  3. Enter the time till next spread payment in years.
  4. Spread payment frequency per year is set by the system to 4.0.
  5. Click the submit button, and this will take you to the array populating page.

Array populating page

  1. Enter continuously compounded zero rates at indicated times.
  2. Click the submit button, and this will take you to the Credit-default-swap index transactions parameters page.

Credit-default-swap index transactions parameters page

  1. Enter the name of credit index.
  2. Select the name of currency of valuation from the drop-down list.
  3. Enter the number of outstanding reference entities.
  4. Enter the quoted index spread in basis points.
  5. Enter quoted fixed coupon in basis points.
  6. Select day-count-convention for index spread and fixed coupon quotes.
  7. Enter recovery rate assumption.
  8. Enter credit-default-swap notional principal per reference entity.
  9. Click the submit button and this will take you to the output display page.

Output display page

  1. You can view pricing model output together with input parameters you entered.
  2. At the bottom of the page you can click on the button to create database record for the current model output. This will take you to the create database record page where you should click on the create button to create the database record.
  3. After clicking on the create button to create the database record, you will be taken to the database records view page, where you can scroll vertically or horizontally to view database records including the one you just created.
  4. You can filter database records according to the currency of valuation using the filter box. You can click on the details link on the extreme right of a particular database record, this will take you to the particular database record details page.